Come home to yourself

Starting therapy, whether individual or in a group, is a way to come home to ourselves – an opportunity to create greater internal stability in an increasingly fast-paced, disorientating and turbulent world. It’s deciding we want something different for ourselves, even if we’re not initially clear what that might look like.

Psychotherapy offers you an opportunity to share and engage with yourself and how you’re functioning, whatever your stage of adulthood. In working together, you and I form a particular, professional relationship to enable you to experience yourself with greater awareness. We can identify and work with your embodied patterns, attitudes, roles and identities, and how these play out in your relationships with yourself and others. Over the course of time you can practise new ways of responding to yourself and others. By doing this you can discover more satisfying ways of living your life.

I believe therapy is fundamentally about supporting us to deepen our experience: to become more self-referenced; more responsible for, loving and compassionate towards ourselves, whatever is happening in our lives. In the process we can learn how to become more stable, contented and confident; more able to manage whatever we encounter as we live our life, moment to moment, day to day.